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Great fun starts with us

We are the company that never compromises. Delta of Sweden’s employees never settle for “good enough”. We give our customers and collaborators no reason to doubt and every reason to trust us for what matters most –creative materials at excellence.

Ever since the company was started 1997 our business model has evolved and been refined. Our licensing business model gives our partners exclusive rights to build brands and work with the products on specified markets. The technologies we develop are the seeds that grow to products in collaboration with our licensees – our partners. Without compromising with final properties our pioneering products find the attractive price points and have evolved to evergreen brands by ownership, refinement and care from our collaborating partners.

Patented technologies pave for long-lasting products on the global market

In the Delta of Sweden’s R&D-lab, often teaming up with a licensee’s development department, ideas are refined to product leads and sometimes a new product reaches the market. Occasionally an evergreen is born. Bright shining examples are products within the Kinetic Sand® brand. Kinetic Sand has been on the market for more than 10 years, and with a continuously expanding product plethora the brand is still on a growth with new generations of children exploring the materials’ possibilities. Kinetic Sand® is owned, marketed and sold by Spin Master Corp.